Concern of the RELIAL network for the situation of Colombia and Venezuela

Un hombre sostiene una bandera nacional colombiana y una pancarta que dice “No más FARC” mientras espera la llegada de un grupo de motociclistas que participan en la “Caravana por la Libertad” el 23 de noviembre de 2011 en Cali, Colombia. (Luis Robayo/AFP/Getty Images)

As a member of the Latin American Liberal Network (RELIAL), the Libertad y Progreso Foundation adheres to the concern expressed by the Network regarding the reactivation of the FARC Colombian guerrilla group, which occurred one month after the San Pablo Forum was held.

RELIAL and Libertad y Progreso are concerned that the FARC’s announcement of “a new stage of the armed struggle” results in actions detrimental to peace in Colombia and Venezuela and possibly in the rest of the region. “The presence in Venezuela of armed fronts such as the FARC, together with the National Liberation Army (ELN), members of Hezbollah, and narco organizations, are a destabilization factor not only for Venezuela and Colombia, but for the entire American continent and the West “, said RELIAL. “It is necessary to promote a regional security plan to fight against terrorist organizations that seek to destabilize,” said the RELIAL, whose board of directors is made up of the director of Freedom and Progress Agustín Etchebarne.