The Moyano, Free Market and Legalized Theft

INFOBAE – Moyano behavior is based on using legal spoliation to deprive people of the right to decide whether or not to join a union.

Last week, the Moyanos blocked the Mercado Libre distribution plant, claiming that the 12,000 people who work at the Mercado Libre logistics centers have to be affiliated with the truckers union. They are not interested in whether these workers want to be affiliated with the Moyano union, another or no union: the issue is to have more members and receive union dues. A business that has nothing to do with the rights of people.

But when observing that behavior of the Moyano patotero and the indifference of the State to exercise the freedom of work enshrined in our Constitution and which is also a human right, he remained indifferent, I remembered the essay “La Ley” by Frédéric Bastiat, a A French thinker of brilliant wit at the time of arguing, he published that essay in 1850. The law sometimes defends and participates in the robbery. Sometimes he carries it out by his own hand in order to save the beneficiary the shame, the danger and the scruple

Bastiat says there, referring to the robbery: “Because there are two classes: the extra-legal robbery and the legal robbery. As for the extra-legal, the one called robbery, scam, the one that defines, foresees and punishes the Penal Code, I really don’t think that it can be decorated with the name of socialism. It is not the one that systematically threatens the Company in its foundations ”. And he adds, referring to legal robbery: “The law sometimes defends and participates in robbery. Sometimes he carries it out by his own hand in order to save the beneficiary from shame, danger, and scruple. Sometimes he puts all that apparatus of courts, police, gendarmerie and prison, at the service of the robber, treating the expounded as a criminal who defends himself. In a word, there is legal robbery… ”Bastiat pointed out that it is easier to defend oneself against the common thief than from the one who appeals to“ legality ”and resorts to“ legal robbery ”Bastiat pointed out that it is easier to defend oneself against the common thief and current that appeals to “legality” and resorts to “legal plunder”

In other words, Bonnie and Clyde were surely more capitalist than those of La Cámpora, but they did not resort to the state so that, using the monopoly of force, it could take from others what belonged to them by sanctioning immoral laws.

Bastiat also tells us: it is easier for one to defend oneself against the common thief than from the thief who appeals to “legality” to steal, which is nothing other than legal expoliation. And then it explains how to recognize legal robbery, legalized robbery. He says about it: “It is very simple. We must examine whether the law takes what belongs to some, to give others what does not belong to them. We must examine whether the law performs, for the benefit of a citizen and to the detriment of others, an act that that citizen could not carry out on his own without incurring criminality. ”

The key is in the last line of the previous paragraph. If, for example, I stop with an armed group in front of a company to force it to hire my service and I don’t let it work if it doesn’t hire me, I am committing a crime. Now, if I go to the state and ask it to pass a law that forces that company to hire my services as an economist, then the delusional progressives consider that mine is a social conquest. The blockade of truckers to one of the logistics centers of Mercado Free The blockade of truckers to one of the logistics centers of Mercado Libre

Moyano behavior is based on legalized theft. Use legal spoliation to take away rights from people who are intended to take away the right to decide whether or not to join a union.

Argentina has a long decline because its institutional system, its laws, codes, customs and values ​​are based on legalized theft. The state has become the armed wing of criminals who appropriate the work of others, doing it in the name of social conquests and defense of national production. That is why Congress has legislators that cost us fortunes, because they are part of that looting Argentina, where it does not progress that develops its capacity for innovation and satisfies the needs of consumers by offering goods and services at a price and quality that the consumer demands, but that he who knows best how to use the armed arm of the state to keep what is foreign through legalized theft progresses.

The Moyano are the exponent of the cause of this decadent Argentina, with enormous pockets of poverty and increasing unemployment. The Moyanos are a reflection of the enormous number of looters who use legalized theft under the argument of social conquests to simply steal and violating individual rights and a large part of the political leadership is a partner of those who resort to legalized theft.
