In defense of the people of Nicaragua

Libertad y Progreso

We, leaders of different human rights organizations in Latin America, speak out in solidarity with the Nicaraguan people in the face of the escalation of political violence by the Ortega regime in the face of the presidential elections scheduled for Sunday, November 7th.

We also join the pronouncements of the European Parliament and the Organization of American States that indicate that the aforementioned elections do not meet the conditions to be considered competitive, free, fair, and transparent. We emphasize that candidates and political, business, and civil society leaders have been kidnapped and illegally arrested. We join the request of the families of the more than 140 political prisoners for their release and respect for their human rights.

Finally, we emphasize that the Nicaraguan people are facing an economic, social, and health crisis that is not being addressed but rather aggravated by the regime of Daniel Ortega and his vice president Rosario Murillo.

The signatories join the call of the Nicaraguan people for democracy, justice and freedom. We emphasize that democracy in our continent and respective countries will not be guaranteed as long as there is no democracy for the Nicaraguan people.


  • Abel Bellido “Abecor”, Charicaturist and artist, Bolivia
  • Alberto Cohan, Asociación Civil Río Paraná, Argentina
  • Alexia Tovar García, Humano y Libre Foundation, Venezuela
  • Aldo Abram, Libertad y Progreso Foundation, Argentina
  • Ana Carlota García, Humano y Libre Foundation, Venezuela
  • Bertha Pantoja, President of RELIAL, México
  • Gustavo Tovar Arroyo, Humano y Libre Foundation, Venezuela
  • Jhanisse Vaca Daza, OYW/EC peace ambassador, Bolivia
  • Mauricio Alarcón Salvador, Ciudadanía y Desarrollo Foundation, Ecuador
  • Marielos Alfaro, Desarrollo, Ambiente y Libertad Institute, Costa Rica
  • Norges Rodriguez, Yucabyte, Cuba
  • Pedro Urruchurtu, Vicepresident of RELIAL, Venezuela
  • Rocío Guijarro, CEDICE Libertad, Venezuela
  • Rosa María Payá, founder of Cuba Decide and Red Latinoamericana de Jóvenes por la
  • Democracia, Cuba
  • Sascha Hannig, Researcher and consultant, Chile
  • Silvia Mercado, RELIAL, México
  • Tuffi Aré, Independent journalist, Bolivia
  • Xavier Bonilla “Bonil”, Charicaturist and artist, Ecuador


  • Asamblea Permanente de Derechos Humanos, Bolivia
  • Centro de Analsis de Políticas Públicas, República Dominicana
  • Defiende Venezuela, Venezuela
  • Fundación Libertad, Argentina
  • Instituto Ecuatoriano de Economía Política, Ecuador
  • Instituto Político para la Libertad, Perú
  • Ríos de Pie, Bolivia
  • Un Mundo Sin Mordaza, Venezuela