If conflicts can be aggravated, why look for solutions?

Enrique Blasco Garma
Consejero Académico en Libertad y Progreso

INFOBAEPretending to know better than those they govern, interventionist officials obstruct private activities. They repeat the tale of conflict between the “general interests” and selfish speculators, greedy for other people’s wealth. “Where there is a need, a right is born” they reiterate, innocently, justifying bureaucratic decisions and increasing the power of the government. Following the ideology that, “given that the needs are endless and the means scarce“, rulers can determine which ones to attend to. Many governors feel they are patrons of the ranch, and consider people cattle, without criteria or knowledge of their own convenience.

Following the ideology that, “given that the needs are endless and the means scarce“, rulers can determine which ones to attend to.

On the contrary, societies progress recognizing that individual abilities and needs are different, making it advantageous to agree on particular activities through rules and laws that are stable and equal for all. The individual needs of the social group are better satisfied by recognizing equal and stable private rights. Knowledge and innovation grow where activities are free of bureaucratic obstacles. By restricting personal decisions, knowledge loses value.

Competition builds valuable skills and income. Personal capacities in free societies are vastly superior to those of regulatory states who appropriate private decisions. This reality explains the huge gap between the income of the countries and their development. From USD 250 per year and per inhabitant, in South Sudan, USD 1,700 in Venezuela, USD 10,700 in Argentina, 17,000 in Uruguay, 100,000 in Ireland.

The secret to the wealth of nations is in the coordination of individual activities. The GDP, their income, is the result of satisfying the needs of others through just laws, rules and parameters that are equal and stable for all. The concretion of the motto “all for one, one for all“, popularized in the novel “The Three Musketeers” contrasts with the populist motto “we must intervene to privilege those preferred by those inpower and neglect the shortcomings of the rest“.

Speaking to CNN en español, President Alberto Fernández justified autocracies because of the poverty of their peoples. In reality, it is the other way around; people are poor because a large part of the population lacks rights, violated by the force of dictators and their henchmen. Excluded by their own government, they become impoverished. People want to know what it is about because they know that it is in their interest to free themselves from redundant obstacles. The wealth of nations does not only measures income; it also concurs with freedoms, honesty of officials and personal satisfaction.

Competition does not only happen through prices, but also through free negotiations perfecting institutions, languages, legislation, political representation and contracts. In Switzerland, one of the countries with the highest GDP, a federal country made up of 26 cantons, those jurisdictions that trust taxpayers the most have the lowest tax evasion.

Government arrogance does only impoverishes a country, it also complicates reacting and accommodating to new developments. Trying to gain power by aggravating conflicts, they block and delay solutions, increasing shortages.

The Government resolves the overflow of the monetary issue by confronting it with traps and prohibitions, spoiling the coordination of prices and businesses. They cheat us with the weight of uncertain value. There is a lack of spare parts, goods, and even fuel for the days of winter due to the lack of monetary and macroeconomic coordination, making work unproductive.

There is a lack of spare parts, goods, and even fuel for the days of winter due to the lack of monetary and macroeconomic coordination, making work unproductive.

The Government pays different undertakings, called social organizations, considerable amounts at the expense of productive activities. Poverty increases because those who extort, preventing the transport of people and cargo, and lack of interest in productive work, are subsidized with higher taxes. It also grants privileges everywhere, for example of the Tierra del Fuego Regime and various “protections”. Meanwhile, truly productive jobs are achieved by negotiating proper conditions with the client, the true employer. That the government accepts the claim of the organizations, of jobs and salaries, impoverishes the Argentines.

Progress is made through stable rules for everyone, including taxes, pensions, public services and even the value of the dollar. The Government has been restricting private decisions. Where they notice a conflict, they impose prohibitions and delay proposals, adding uncertainty.

Furthermore, we suffer a lack of fuel despite having the most promising deposits on the planet.
