Bimonetary economy: The dollar slows down investments and generates uncertainty.

Foto Aldo Abram
Aldo Abram

EL 1 DIGITAL: The assumption of Sergio Massa as Minister of Economy generated an exchange rate stability that is expected to last for a while. Because, after the changes in the portfolio, informal dollar registered jumps of up to 50 pesos, which had an impact on retail prices and, therefore, on the mother of all battles: inflation.

The executive director of Libertad y Progreso, Aldo Abram, referred to the importance of keeping the value of the dollar low during the different governments: “There is a need to restrict the official exchange rate because, if no, the Central Bank continuously loses reserves”.

Many propose a rise in the strong wholesale exchange rate, but I don’t think the government will do this, although yes, perhaps, to a lesser extent,” he said, while adding that “prices do not depend on parallel dollars, but on what is bought.” about the high inflation rates that have been recorded in recent months.

However, he clarified that “it is true that everything that is exported depends on the wholesale exchange rate because foreign currency enters or leaves through that market and that, when the peso depreciates, services go up a lot. When the parallel exchange rate rises, it is either because the Central Bank is issuing a lot or because the demand for pesos falls,” he added.

On the other hand, Abram highlighted the implementation of the “soybean dollar”, which was established mainly due to the shortage of dollars and the obstacles to imports: “The measure was very good to advance the liquidation of exports, because the Central Bank was about to run out of reserves of its own in no time.”

However, he stressed that, beyond the good initial results, “it is bread for today and hunger for tomorrow because, every time this early settlement is justified, by that time no foreign currency will enter. Every time a differential exchange rate is generated, the situation is alleviated, but it is a patch that does not solve the underlying problem,” he concluded.


Consulted on the subject, the 1st member of the College of Auctioneers of La Matanza and local real estate businessman, Manuel Ferreyra Cantante, spoke about how the instability of the dollar affects the sector, one of those that most depends on the currency: “It complicates us because it is difficult to carry out operations”.

“After starting to skyrocket in those years, the dollar continued to rise. Now, it would seem that it is somewhat stabilized,” he said, although he added that this did not improve the situation in the sector: “In general, the market is oversupplied, with very little demand and few interested in buying, in addition to falling values.”

For his part, Heraldo Cayuqueo, general secretary of the CGT La Matanza and the local construction union, told El1 Digital that the problem also affects the sector: “We were afraid that some works would stop, but, on the contrary, they are building and, even, we have works to begin, for example, in Gregorio de Laferrere”.

In this sense, Cayuqueo stressed that “in the last month, the dollar has moved down,” which would help the economy in general. He remarked that “the national government should keep this currency more stable, but, Despite this, we are active in the sector and qualified labor is being hired”.
