impuesto a bienes personales y herencia
Articles & Op-Eds

The great inheritance tax scam

LA NACIÓN: As we know, the Communist Manifesto, written by Marx and Engels in 1848, constitutes the central document of the totalitarian religion of our

Análisis político internacional marxismo
Articles & Op-Eds

The story of a repentant communist

There are many, many stories about people of great value who have become disillusioned with the totalitarian spirit behind Marxism. I have written about the

Articles & Op-Eds

On Biden’s alleged Peronism

 This article was published in La Nación on June 22nd, 2021. If we add pasty ingredients to the many serious problems we face as Argentines, confusion

International policy

America’s Key Case for the Free World

EL OBSERVADOR – Unfortunately for some time now, the American decline from the remarkable values ​​and principles established by the Founding Fathers is notorious. I

política internacional y nacional
Articles & Op-Eds

Reflections on India, useful for Argentines

INFOBAE – You have to be extremely careful with stereotypes since there is a mania of grouping everyone who lives within certain geographic borders and

Articles & Op-Eds

A Complex Issue: Charity And Profits

INFOBAE – First of all, it is pertinent to define what is meant when reflecting on charity and what is specifically referred to when it

situación política económica
Articles & Op-Eds

Reserved forecast for our country

El Economista – I hope to go wrong half way, but I see a very complicated future for us Argentines. And it is not about

Articles & Op-Eds

The history of liberalism in ten chapters

Alberto Benegas Lynch (h) – As a result of the Cadiz Constitution of 1812, the expression “liberal” was used for the first time as a noun and those who opposed it were given the epithet “servile”,